How Should Vehicle Cleaning Be Done to Protect Against Coronavirus?
Turkey has been fighting the coronavirus for about a year and a half. Various measures, including bans, closures, and personal precautions, have been implemented to slow down the spread of the virus. While personal hygiene is crucial in this fight, maintaining the hygiene of the cars we drive is equally important. Vehicle cleaning to protect ourselves from the coronavirus now goes beyond traditional methods. We have incorporated various chemicals and antibacterial products into the cleaning process that were not used before. Regular cleaning of the vehicle is an essential step to protect ourselves and our loved ones. In this article, we will explore how car cleaning should be done to protect against the coronavirus.
Avoid Bringing Coronavirus Microbes into Your Car
We all use vehicles in our daily lives. Whether the vehicles are rented or owned, the risk of carrying coronavirus microbes should not be ignored. Since this microbe can be found on surfaces we touch before driving, it is essential to clean our hands with a suitable antiseptic or wash them with soap and water for at least 20 seconds before coming into contact with our car. Research has shown that the coronavirus can be present in the air in trace amounts. Therefore, cleaning surfaces that we may touch with suitable alcohol-based cleaners before using the car is the most effective method to minimize the risk of contamination.
Clean Your Car to Avoid Coronavirus
Even with the best efforts, it is challenging to clean your vehicle as thoroughly as a professional cleaning company would. Therefore, regularly entrusting your vehicle to professionals is advisable. Professional cleaning ensures that the vehicle is cleaned effectively to protect against the coronavirus. A comprehensive vehicle cleaning includes four stages:
1. Car interior cleaning
2. Cleaning the exterior of the vehicle
3. Vehicle wheel cleaning
4. Vehicle window cleaning
The Importance of Vehicle Maintenance for Protection from Coronavirus
Regular maintenance of both personal and public transportation vehicles is crucial to protect against the coronavirus. Regularly changing parts that affect the health of passengers, such as ventilation and air conditioning filters, helps eliminate viruses that can accumulate in these components.
Interior Cleaning Against Coronavirus
Vehicle interior surfaces are the most frequently contacted areas during use. Therefore, special attention to the cleanliness of the vehicle is necessary to protect against highly transmissible diseases like the coronavirus. Interior cleaning can be done in various ways, either by yourself or with professional help. Specifically:
1. Use cleaning materials obtained independently
2. Obtain services from professional car cleaning companies
3. Follow up with disinfection after cleaning
A careful and thorough cleaning, using the method most suitable for you, is crucial to protect yourself and your loved ones from the coronavirus.
How to Clean Vehicles Against Coronavirus
Improper cleaning can sometimes cause more harm than good. For instance, using the wrong chemical can both jeopardize your health and damage your vehicle. It is essential to ensure that the cleaning products you use are appropriate for their intended purpose. Proper cleaning provides the following benefits:
1. Protection against viruses like the coronavirus
2. Removal of germs from your vehicle
3. Prevention of health risks
4. Overall disease prevention
This article aims to provide information on vehicle cleaning to protect against the coronavirus. For car rental companies, maintaining regular cleaning is especially important. With Titarus, Turkey's first and only ERP software for car rentals, you can monitor your vehicles' rental cycles, track return dates, and manage maintenance schedules. This helps ensure the health of both your employees and customers by facilitating effective maintenance and cleaning practices.